Saturday, March 26, 2011

Movie Theratrs Opne On Family Day

CC.OO complaint to the Regional Police Headquarters to prevent actors union counseling records.


The CCOO union has filed a complaint with the Labour Inspectorate to understand that the Regional Police Headquarters "prevents the advice and defense" to officers of the file, which "violates the right to union activity."

Thus, the union claims that he was prevented from accompanying the officer reprimanded for participating in the taking of testimony of several eyewitnesses against him.

CCOO reflected in their demand that this practice will prevent operators dossiers can go "properly advised" by their personal representatives or advisers for the union to which they belong "to the practice of evidence that ultimately may prove decisive for the further development of which has opened disciplinary proceedings against him.

All this causes the "helplessness" in the agent, said in a note CCOO, which also exposes you to these facts the Chief violates the right to union activity, ie the right of unions to exercise activities aimed at defending, protecting and promoting the interests of workers.


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