Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Infection Pulled Tooth

Police Officers Local and Regional CCOO, gather in Madrid to discuss the situation of the group. Current status of stress


local coordinators and regional officers of the FSC-CCOO have gathered in Madrid to address, among other things, the status of Police in the different communities, the work done by the Coordinator Federal regard both to the campaign for the advance of the retirement age and other institutional work, examining the meetings with the FEMP and parliamentary groups.

discussed in plenary so specifies the status of autonomous police forces, especially the ongoing conflict experienced by Police Navarra (Councils and Local), following approval of the disastrous Navarre Police Act, we also tested the proposed draft reform of the Police Act of the Basque Country, and possible amendments to the text, from CC.OO Ertzaintza and Local Police in the Basque Country, we will perform, we completed the diagnosis of regional police forces through the intervention of the Catalan police and information on the implementation of the Body CC.OO General of Police Canaria.

Another issue that attracted most interest and discussion was referred to supra different actions that are trying to accomplish in this regard was, in detail The constitutional complaint against the Police Act Premises Rioja Submitted by the Government and the project of unification of the security forces of Ames and Brion, Galician municipalities, which have publicly presented their particular protocol Commonwealth Police in this regard, and given that there , knew the contents of the to give an association legal position, it was agreed to transfer to our Legal Services documentation in our possession, so that once scanned with detail, we a position on the new situation.

In the section devoted to information on legislative activity of the Federal Coordinator of Police, was duly informed of the Bills being debated in Congress Deputies and the initiatives and amendments that we filed in connection therewith, in this regard to highlight those that have been suggested in the Law on the Staff of the National Police, which eventually we will apply collateral .

also informed of the possible withdrawal of the Government Legislative Programme Priority of the new Local Government Act and the more than possible introduction in the various electoral programs of an Organic Law on Local Security.

then step to review the policies of training organized by the union to police groups, opening a debate on cooperation and collaboration in training with other unions and / or public bodies and the possibility to make agreements with universities, etc.

In this sense, it was specially the content of the courses from the State Federation that are offered to the group, most fall within the Continuing Education Plans for Public Administration, distinct from the training to be offered from different territories was the police also reported the agreement between the Unified Trade Union of Police (SUP) and the Federation of Citizen Services (FSC) of CCOO, agreement was explained by Juan del Campo, Federal Secretary for Employment and Training.

The plenary was emphasis also on recruitment campaigns and preparing the program and the key ideas with which they present to the CCOO union elections.

Finally, the Federal Coordinator Integra-Security reported that this year will be held in Zaragoza in June, closing the agenda with the participation of Federal Secretary of Sectoral Policy of the FSC-CCOO who reported federal activity regarding the establishment of the Local Government Sector and the start of work on updating the basis on which the proposal focuses on the FSC with respect to speaking with a comprehensive public security policy CCOO.


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