Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Californian Bilini Wax


From the Federal Coordinator of Regional and Local Police, we welcome and greet with affection, so it is working, commitment and effort, a new blog designed information worker and women from the local police of Catalonia, why not the rest of Spain.

The Blog is powered by the Association of Police Association CCOO de Catalunya (ASP-CCOO-CAT), which since its creation marked by advocacy and information to all police de Catalunya, eg of this undertaking was the publication of its magazine "NOVA POLICE."

The blog, which you can define as "leftist and independent information to the local police", was born in the footsteps of the Coordinator Blog Federal Police, with the aim of becoming a reference in the media union, workers, trade unions and professional content.

The Blog is the organ of expression of the ASP-CCOO -CAT., and lead to "clearly and openly" the objectives of the green left and alternatives for workers in Local Police Corps de Catalunya.


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