Monday, March 28, 2011

The Apprentice Free Full Version

ATENEA PROJECT (Team situation analysis Women in the Madrid Municipal Police). Recognition


The following is for their interest, an article that we received Montse, a co-CCOO working as a Municipal Police in the City de Alcobendas.
PROYECTO ATENEA (Equipo de análisis de la situación de la Mujer en la Policía Municipal de Madrid).
Los días 22 y 23 de marzo he tenido la oportunidad de asistir a un Encuentro Nacional de Mujeres Policías donde también se reconocía el 40 aniversario de la incorporación de la mujer a la Policía Municipal de Madrid. Pues bien, el balance que puedo hacer de estos dos días, compartiendo el tiempo con mujeres policías de toda España, ha sido muy positivo. Sin embargo, si volvemos a la cruda realidad, y nos situamos en los albores del Siglo XXI, se puede observar que la representación femenina entre las filas policiales no supera el 13% in Spain.
And in the XXI century it is believed the Athena project of the Municipal Police in Madrid in which there is a Task Analysis of the Situation of Women in Municipal Police of Madrid, and is working to: establish alliances to promote equality in the police, to propose mechanisms to ensure equality in the selection process, equal standing committee, etc.., said much or all of the real situation of women police.
With all this I ask the following: Is it possible we need in Alcobendas something similar? o We do not need any of this because equality is full?
Well, I think we do need one of these instruments because I see the reality, and is rejected and not so veiled veiled against women, and this is seen both from the bottom up and top down, and between same, because although we do not want to see, or just do not realize it, do not change minds. Technology advances, but minds do not or do not want to do it is better to remain in a position of power to further enhance certain attitudes, income inequality, gender discrimination, and thereby continue to retain power.
I think you have to fight against gender violence, but let's not forget discrimination gender in all areas, and especially labor. Therefore, I want this letter, reflect and think we may need, as in the Madrid Municipal Police a similar project with the appropriate Standing Committee on Equality.
I want to thank all l @ s speakers at this meeting because I have learned a lot, and I have opened my eyes.
March 24, 2011 - ccooalcobendas


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