Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Infection Pulled Tooth

Police Officers Local and Regional CCOO, gather in Madrid to discuss the situation of the group. Current status of stress


local coordinators and regional officers of the FSC-CCOO have gathered in Madrid to address, among other things, the status of Police in the different communities, the work done by the Coordinator Federal regard both to the campaign for the advance of the retirement age and other institutional work, examining the meetings with the FEMP and parliamentary groups.

discussed in plenary so specifies the status of autonomous police forces, especially the ongoing conflict experienced by Police Navarra (Councils and Local), following approval of the disastrous Navarre Police Act, we also tested the proposed draft reform of the Police Act of the Basque Country, and possible amendments to the text, from CC.OO Ertzaintza and Local Police in the Basque Country, we will perform, we completed the diagnosis of regional police forces through the intervention of the Catalan police and information on the implementation of the Body CC.OO General of Police Canaria.

Another issue that attracted most interest and discussion was referred to supra different actions that are trying to accomplish in this regard was, in detail The constitutional complaint against the Police Act Premises Rioja Submitted by the Government and the project of unification of the security forces of Ames and Brion, Galician municipalities, which have publicly presented their particular protocol Commonwealth Police in this regard, and given that there , knew the contents of the to give an association legal position, it was agreed to transfer to our Legal Services documentation in our possession, so that once scanned with detail, we a position on the new situation.

In the section devoted to information on legislative activity of the Federal Coordinator of Police, was duly informed of the Bills being debated in Congress Deputies and the initiatives and amendments that we filed in connection therewith, in this regard to highlight those that have been suggested in the Law on the Staff of the National Police, which eventually we will apply collateral .

also informed of the possible withdrawal of the Government Legislative Programme Priority of the new Local Government Act and the more than possible introduction in the various electoral programs of an Organic Law on Local Security.

then step to review the policies of training organized by the union to police groups, opening a debate on cooperation and collaboration in training with other unions and / or public bodies and the possibility to make agreements with universities, etc.

In this sense, it was specially the content of the courses from the State Federation that are offered to the group, most fall within the Continuing Education Plans for Public Administration, distinct from the training to be offered from different territories was the police also reported the agreement between the Unified Trade Union of Police (SUP) and the Federation of Citizen Services (FSC) of CCOO, agreement was explained by Juan del Campo, Federal Secretary for Employment and Training.

The plenary was emphasis also on recruitment campaigns and preparing the program and the key ideas with which they present to the CCOO union elections.

Finally, the Federal Coordinator Integra-Security reported that this year will be held in Zaragoza in June, closing the agenda with the participation of Federal Secretary of Sectoral Policy of the FSC-CCOO who reported federal activity regarding the establishment of the Local Government Sector and the start of work on updating the basis on which the proposal focuses on the FSC with respect to speaking with a comprehensive public security policy CCOO.

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European police


As promised, and after our important work in the European Conference of Police Stress in Santiago de Compostela, along with the Stress and Neuroimmunology Laboratory Lennart Levi, SNL, the next breakthrough in the fight for improvements in social and working conditions of informed policías.os.

In summary I can tell you have created a working group at European level, again sponsored by Dr. Lennart Levi (which is now more police because EUROCOP, will be appointed "policeman of honor") and coordinated by our laboratory EUROCOP SNL, and we liked the idea because it will prepare a project for submission to a section of the EU social dialogue, where it is easy to get support, and this model of union that relies on technical research team doctor, I think is a good model for the control of our rights, what I mean?, it would not be bad idea for everyone to get ready a project level to different social funds to not only get money to investigate and analyze our health but because the mere acceptance of a draft they would confirm the need to improve our conditions.

Thus SNL could work with you to different levels, regional, locally or nationally, depending on the social project and which of you applying, you would have the support of SNL for presentation, because as said Jan Velleman of EUROCOP, it is important to submit projects with different "partners" (support).

Case Study AUGC-SNL we investigate the stress of the Civil Guards, look different social funds to subsidize our research: CIS (Center for Sociological Research), Fundación Prevent ... to which we have presented a project ... how lucky we are in the SNL, is that we can choose from different backgrounds, not only medical but also in the field of prevention because Some of us have the specialty of occupational medicine mandatory to apply for employment subsidies.

Well, anything you know how to contact us, and I just want to encourage you to fight for social and labor rights of all officers, whether local, regional or national, the Europeans are at it.

Monday, March 28, 2011

The Apprentice Free Full Version

ATENEA PROJECT (Team situation analysis Women in the Madrid Municipal Police). Recognition


The following is for their interest, an article that we received Montse, a co-CCOO working as a Municipal Police in the City de Alcobendas.
PROYECTO ATENEA (Equipo de análisis de la situación de la Mujer en la Policía Municipal de Madrid).
Los días 22 y 23 de marzo he tenido la oportunidad de asistir a un Encuentro Nacional de Mujeres Policías donde también se reconocía el 40 aniversario de la incorporación de la mujer a la Policía Municipal de Madrid. Pues bien, el balance que puedo hacer de estos dos días, compartiendo el tiempo con mujeres policías de toda España, ha sido muy positivo. Sin embargo, si volvemos a la cruda realidad, y nos situamos en los albores del Siglo XXI, se puede observar que la representación femenina entre las filas policiales no supera el 13% in Spain.
And in the XXI century it is believed the Athena project of the Municipal Police in Madrid in which there is a Task Analysis of the Situation of Women in Municipal Police of Madrid, and is working to: establish alliances to promote equality in the police, to propose mechanisms to ensure equality in the selection process, equal standing committee, etc.., said much or all of the real situation of women police.
With all this I ask the following: Is it possible we need in Alcobendas something similar? o We do not need any of this because equality is full?
Well, I think we do need one of these instruments because I see the reality, and is rejected and not so veiled veiled against women, and this is seen both from the bottom up and top down, and between same, because although we do not want to see, or just do not realize it, do not change minds. Technology advances, but minds do not or do not want to do it is better to remain in a position of power to further enhance certain attitudes, income inequality, gender discrimination, and thereby continue to retain power.
I think you have to fight against gender violence, but let's not forget discrimination gender in all areas, and especially labor. Therefore, I want this letter, reflect and think we may need, as in the Madrid Municipal Police a similar project with the appropriate Standing Committee on Equality.
I want to thank all l @ s speakers at this meeting because I have learned a lot, and I have opened my eyes.
March 24, 2011 - ccooalcobendas

Sunday, March 27, 2011

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Organized very well indeed, by the Area Government Security and Mobility and Safety Observatory UNIJEPOL Madrid City Council and have been held on 24 and 25 March 2011 in Madrid, the National Conference of Women Police, the initiative aims to commemorate the 40 anniversary of the incorporation of women to the Municipal Police Corps of Madrid.

The meeting, attended, over 400 representatives of various bodies of local police in Spain, the National Police and Civil Guard, stressed several times that for its emotion, we must highlight: The video presentation commemorating the 40 anniversary and the delivery of distinctions women R Promotion ; Madrid Municipal Police and other women, prominent in exercise of the police profession among which was a companion of the First Promotion of Local Police in Cordoba, pioneer in incorporating women into the Police Local.

Also, since within the Conference, we emphasize the involvement of speakers and D. Miguel Lorente Acosta, Government Representative for Gender Violence, who made a keynote presentation at the inaugural lecture entitled "Fundamentals of gender equality. Evolution and Future Prospects. "

presentation also noted "Project Athena Madrid City Police, and Communication: "Positive Action to promote influx of women into the local police in Fuenlabrada" . By Ms. Aurea Ramos Lorenzo, Cape Local Police, responsible for Affirmative Action.

also highlight the Paper: "Public security and gender: women and police work." By Mrs. Carmen María Martínez Morales, Mayor Mayor and 2 nd Local Police Chief of Almeria.

Days were completed with the holding of several round tables in the format of group interview, discussed the theme "Men and women in the police: we are far from equality? "and" Four decades ago the incorporation of women into the local police: some stories of life. "

Saturday, March 26, 2011

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CC.OO complaint to the Regional Police Headquarters to prevent actors union counseling records.


The CCOO union has filed a complaint with the Labour Inspectorate to understand that the Regional Police Headquarters "prevents the advice and defense" to officers of the file, which "violates the right to union activity."

Thus, the union claims that he was prevented from accompanying the officer reprimanded for participating in the taking of testimony of several eyewitnesses against him.

CCOO reflected in their demand that this practice will prevent operators dossiers can go "properly advised" by their personal representatives or advisers for the union to which they belong "to the practice of evidence that ultimately may prove decisive for the further development of which has opened disciplinary proceedings against him.

All this causes the "helplessness" in the agent, said in a note CCOO, which also exposes you to these facts the Chief violates the right to union activity, ie the right of unions to exercise activities aimed at defending, protecting and promoting the interests of workers.

Friday, March 25, 2011

The Best Roadside Recovery

social networks and information


My grandfather says that life is a handkerchief. Anywhere you can find the person you least expect it. I guess you occasionally have wondered. - "Where have I seen that face before?".

is a folly to lose touch with people we have special appreciation. I suffered with my best friend. For different circumstances of life ended up losing contact with her. My unsuccessful attempts to locate in different cities, and phones and the Internet ended up running my patience. Ultimately gave up. Well, one morning when I went to the dentist with a toothache large crossed me and I asked myself. - Is she? Yes! - Automatically forgot my toothache, and after several seconds of confusion chatted after ten years of lost contact.

In our society, loss of contact with old friends seems to be no longer a problem. Before the case even if there was no theory of six degrees of separation. This theory says that any person can be connected to another individual in the world through a chain of acquaintances no more than five people.

Why say that now is no longer a problem. Well, the new trend of social networking on the Internet makes it easy to locate old friends again. What exactly is a social network? What began in 2002 being pages or web sites known as "circles of friends" has ended in websites where thousands of people registered. In short, are a group of people that interact in a real world and virtual. Thanks to the latter, Internet, can share experiences, photographs, hobbies, games, moods, etc.

not all advantages in social networks

There are some examples of uses that have had an impact even in the press. One case was the one that hit a senior Obama campaign team. During the election campaign has been named director of White House speechwriters "hung up" on his Facebook page a photo. It simulated touch a breast size of a figure of Hilary Clinton along with another partner. The latter pretended to give him beer. Well, that picture was circulated on the Internet like wildfire when Hilary Clinton was appointed as Secretary of State.

To take into account also the case happened to a young English girl of seventeen years of Brigton Hobday family. It held a party for your network, without really being aware of the significance that could have that invitation. Who else suffered from the party was a battered Victorian style house. Even the lights were left without lights. Graffiti covering some walls and even the grass was torn. The young organizer had to call the police when hundreds of "friends" packed the house. It seems to hang invitations in the network is endangered because there exists a group dedicated to "bust."

Social networks can also be used for political purposes. One of the recent demonstrations against the government in Zagreb was conceived and organized on Facebook network. There are many and of course, for different purposes. For example, one for financial shares information on investments, positions and statistics on investment funds.

One of the best known is Facebook. has some 100 million users and was founded in 2004 by two students from Harvard University who wanted to make a yearbook for fellow faculty. Recent years have been some criticisms of the privacy policy Facebook. While users are unilaterally adding the information they want. Remember that failing to manage the data network in Spain is not required to comply with the Data Protection Act.

Does our privacy is at stake?

According to a Sophos study , security company, 41% of Facebook users disclose personal information without any access control. To make the study came up with a profile it put a picture of a frog called Freddi very nice. The data obtained were:
  • 87 of 200 users of Facebook responded to Freddi, of which 82 provided personal information, ie, 41%
  • 72% of those respondents reported one or more email addresses
  • 84% provided details about their education or workplace
  • 87% provided their current address or location
  • 23% revealed their phone number
  • 26% provided their user names in instant messaging.

Improve privacy of your data in our network social.

Sophos recommends users Facebook privacy settings to protect your identity, think carefully about who is admitted as a friend, have a known version and one for friends, disable all the default options and gradually go activities when you have really clear that what they do. These recommendations can be extrapolated to any of the existing social networks.

In short, we find another example of the possible uses of the Internet. As always make sure that the system settings or programs that use really fits our desires. Perhaps it is worth devoting some time to this area before venturing to provide our information to cyberspace. And here we come ... I leave, I'll look for my fellow military service.


Thursday, March 24, 2011

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Again, the "political class" is covered in glory ......


went out newspaper ads, trumpeted that CiU had Congress intended to bring the proposal to equalize the retirement age mossos with the Ertzaintza.

First Party, the news: CiU present an initiative for the retirement of The Police THE 60! ........

contained Joy ..... This news met us and we appreciate that represented a coherent way of CiU as were they, along with UI, who already asked this equation in the retirement age by non-legislative proposal for equating the age of retirement among the "Autonomous and other regional police forces.

"The House of Representatives urges the Government to the end of the year equates to the age of retirement at age 60 among the" Autonomous Police ", the Navarre Police and "Ertzaintza, guaranteeing equality between the Autonomous Police in applications financial conditions of early retirement. "

From CC.OO highly value the fact that on Tuesday CiU had this quick initiative, especially as posed in terms of recovering the Main prestige of the Catalan police and matching in the working conditions of other police autonomy.

Consider the Agenda:

The thing seemed to be going well ....... Big mistake. Without knowing why.


In case anyone does not believe it, here are the tests and necessary questions:

What happens between day 9 and February 10 for a Party change its position and opinion?.

Would need someone to give some other explanation?.

From the Federal Coordinator of Regional and Local Police Federation of Citizen Services, we're going to request a full response to our questions and we will not give in to our demands, because the group of policemen at least deserves respect and consideration for those who have been offering their support when they were interested in achieving objectives, and once achieved they forget what they promised.

The perpetrators of the lie, have a face:

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Californian Bilini Wax


From the Federal Coordinator of Regional and Local Police, we welcome and greet with affection, so it is working, commitment and effort, a new blog designed information worker and women from the local police of Catalonia, why not the rest of Spain.

The Blog is powered by the Association of Police Association CCOO de Catalunya (ASP-CCOO-CAT), which since its creation marked by advocacy and information to all police de Catalunya, eg of this undertaking was the publication of its magazine "NOVA POLICE."

The blog, which you can define as "leftist and independent information to the local police", was born in the footsteps of the Coordinator Blog Federal Police, with the aim of becoming a reference in the media union, workers, trade unions and professional content.

The Blog is the organ of expression of the ASP-CCOO -CAT., and lead to "clearly and openly" the objectives of the green left and alternatives for workers in Local Police Corps de Catalunya.

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AUGC attend the Human Rights Court in Strasbourg. TRIBUTE


Justice, in this case the military, albeit timid, AUGC attaches to another victory in their fight against the limitation of their work and professional rights.

L a statement of the Central Court of Military Justice, which has reduced the penalties, up to one year suspension without pay, to 21 colleagues who participated in the demonstration on 20 January 2007 Madrid's Plaza Mayor and were sentenced for "openly express an attitude contrary to the constitution" or having "conduct contrary to the discipline, service, or dignity of the Institution."

High Court's decision allows us to understand that the decision implemented by the executive, was unfair and disproportionate, and the sentence, lowered the rating very serious to severe penalties substantially reduced imposed, leaving in 3 months for Joan Miquel Perpinya, secretary general of the AUGC and one month for the rest of partners, therefore the union has decided, first call resolution and then attend the Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg if it is necessary .

Thus, Unified Association of Civil Guards was convinced "of the total innocence" of their peers and the "legitimacy" of the merger "democratic, peaceful and honorable" that brought to 3,000 uniformed and civilian guards cocked hat, and another 10,000 in countryman, January 20, 2007, which also benefited from support from other unions such as the Unified Police Union, the union of the Ertzaintza Erne Police Union of Catalonia, Catalan police, the Movement Against intolerance, human rights movements, CCOO, Euro, and the Unified Association of English Military (AUME).

Mossy Oak Wedding Dress

We echo from the Federal Coordinator of Regional and Local Cops CC.OO the tenth anniversary of the assassination by ETA of teammate Mossos Avedaño Santos Santamaria.

Last March 17 marked the tenth anniversary of the death of the agent of the Autonomous Police Avedaño Santamaría Santos who was murdered by a car bomb exploded by ETA loaded with 50 kilos of explosives in a residential Roses.

The deceased partner, Santos Santamaría Avedaño, tenía 32 años, estaba destinado en la policía judicial de la comisaría de Roses y era el primer agente de la policía autonómica catalana que fallecía como consecuencia de una acción de la banda terrorista.

En el mismo atentado, también resultaron  heridos tres policías locales.

La presentación y posterior desarrollo de los actos corrieron a cargo de  Antoni Castejon, Portavoz del SME- CCOO.

Dentro de los actos organizados, destacamos la entrega de placas, Ilma. Sra. Magda Casamitjana, Mayor of Roses, all officers involved that day, in recognition of their work.

was also very emotional reading from Mr. Santos Santamaria, father of murdered Mosso, the letter from Mr. Jordi Puyol, former president of the Generalitat de Catalunya.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Funny Roommate Statuses

The fire is not the best rapid-fire.


The headline of this article, by George Eliot (pseudonym of British novelist Mary Anne Evans (1819-1880)), we used to urgently resume the work for advancing the retirement age, in this sense, the next day 22, were summoned to a meeting of all unions, CCOO, UGT, CSI-F, COP and CSL to analyze the situation and, if appropriate, take back the initiative.

The meeting will explore the development situation of the catalog of dangerous professions and actions undertaken by member organizations with the goal of early retirement.

will also be on the table, the proposed organization of events and demonstrations that are necessary to lay the groundwork for getting the advance of age of police regional and local.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

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As advised at the time, since the Federal Coordinator of Police, the problems begin to pool the local police services, the cumbersome text of the new decree and the uncertainty that many of your articles cause, have led to situations such as that registered with the Law 5 / 2010 of 14 May, local police Coordination de La Rioja, for which the Council Ministers agreed to ask the Prime Minister bringing a constitutional complaint against Article 5.1.

This article deals with the possibility of association of municipalities for the provision of local police, which may be authorized by the Ministry of Interior, after submission of a report supporting needs, draft laws, costs and program implementation and service delivery.

And that's where the problem lies, as the Government means that Rioja has no power to authorize the agreement between municipalities , established under the Law of the Security Forces of the State, because it has assumed in its Statute of Autonomy jurisdiction over persons and property protection and the maintenance of public order.