Friday, December 31, 2010

Sears Kid Modeling Catalog

Training Plan extends the FSC


Federation Citizenship Services CC. OO., offers 41 courses with 15,270 seats, aimed at employees / public I General State Administration, Local Government and Administration of the Autonomous Communities.
result of the agreement
CC.OO-SUP, 600 seats are reserved for members of the SUP

duly completed applications will be delivered to the provincial committees of the SUP before the day
January 24. Only applications processed by the Provincial and Local Committees SUP entered the 600 seats reserved

Monday, October 18, 2010

Diabetes Drivers Licence

Cuatelillo "Tenza" for Moros.

In Moors last year and began to discuss the possibility of a local holiday Moros, something a little more serious where to eat, eat, drink ...
The Tenza said his local was an option, and that what we were talking. Well enough time has passed and it reminded me the other day the topic, to find opinions. I told him to hang a blog post if I wanted but apparently has no rights, so I'm uploading this from you.

I have little information, a copy of your email: "The thing remains the same, we have the room for 15 € a month per head, except that we will Moors more pasta."

Well then, let them questions, tell stakeholder views and move a little issue.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

17th June 1988 Birthday

Halloween 2010!

Hi guys!

As we all know, this year Miki and I ran out of room so you enjoy a nice, bloody night with you:)

As a rookie in this, open entry to all event info can be provided and may well serve as a platform for ideas, opinions, ... In regard to disguises my question was if you have a clear idea of \u200b\u200byours, if everyone goes from one thing or if it could be enough people of one particular theme could be cool, I'm about to if things are expensive: )

Come, cheer!

PS I propose to girls going in different Lady GAGAS xD

Monday, September 27, 2010

Baby Shower Money Tree

Reasons for the strike.

This document is where, in my opinion, best explain all the changes to be made with the labor reform:


To summarize:

To compete against the Asian market in Europe has decided it is best to copy them. And that's what's coming: massive layoffs and without conditions, increased working hours, the disappearance of unions, total control of large firms, extreme job insecurity and of course, a temporary absolute in jobs. That if under these conditions, unemployment is much lower. And if you think I exaggerate, but you must read the document which I quote above.

But relax, the best is yet to come!

Monday, September 20, 2010

In-n-out Burger Employment

Birthday JAVI and RUBÉN

Best to all, we realize the theme of the birthday party with live role-playing game included.

be in the field of Hector who kindly provided us.
arrival time will be at 18:30 pm

will invite to dinner and drink. Bring you the desire to have fun;)


The idea is to start playing, we will paradilla for dinner and continue the game. The time to end the game is really hard to realize, but before dawn xDDD (we estimate that around 1 or 2 but depends on many things.) Once the game continue the party.

SLEEP: Sleeping

there we have the Castellón, but please advise on here for everyone who wants to stay because we have to see how to place people. If anyone thinks finally get to sleep in the field have also avisadlo Hector informed.


assume that in the field of Hector will do well cool and you ought to have everyone in mind that the game is long and sometimes have to go outside the house. Bear that in mind for shoes, some warm clothes, etc ... In addition to the game you need not just the costume;)


need to add sauce to a plastic gun game for everyone, many have, say in a comment who may be gun because talks to buy guns that do not have.


The confirmed list is as follows, if anyone is missing does not mean it is not invited, but we have not confirmed them, so please, if you need someone speak in a comment to make the character, knowing how much food / drink purchase, etc.,) Ana and Hector

Mariade Omar and Maria
Ruben and Javi

Cris Marcos Raul and Raquel

Gasol and Leti
Laura (you have no character, alerts you want to play please). Mireya Luis

and Edu
Juan Alberto
(sure you come to give character please).

REMEMBER! The rules and the characters are in the blog "The Red Night", HERE>>


Friday, September 17, 2010

Largest Microwave Oven

Geek and Gamer Girls Song

I'm not linkar videos "curious", but this time, believe me, it's worth.

"Geek and Gamer Girls Song " Pada

enjoy the video at "its best" need to know some things:

Beautiful women who are about geeks, gamers, manga readers like them ... they say, are like "unicorns, which are not supposed to exist," hence the name of the group "Team Unicorn."

The letter comes out, is very good, leedla before and after viewing the video, to understand the video in all its glory. You can read HERE on the site from where I got all the info: ZONAFANDOM .

The video it's full of "guests": Stan Lee (creator of the most famous superheroes, X-Men, Spiderman, etc. ..), Seth Green, aka "Oz the werewolf" that marks a rap on song, Katee "Starbuck" Sackhoff of Battlestar Galactica ...

Jewel! It is a version of a song 'Californa Gurls' of Katy Perry.
entire post in The Fandom Zone>

SEE from its original site (click on the link below the video) for viewing high resolution!

Geek and Gamer Girls Song - Watch Funny Videos more

"It is likely that some faces I have been struck, the members of the group are actresses Michele Boyd (The Guild, How I Met Your Mother, Cold Case, Sons of Anarchy), Clare Grant (Walk the Line, $ 5 Cover, Black Snake Moan, Saber), Milynn Sarley (EA , TheGamerChick, LTA, Street Fighter High School) and Vanderbilt Rileah (Hatchet, Frozen, Saber). " (fuente >)

la letra:

Greetings friends….
Don’t you want to meet a nice girl?

(First verse)
I, know a place
Where the gamer scores are so extreme (bloop boop boop!)
Dune, D & D,
Where Rand al’Thor still reigns supreme
Questin’, in Hyrule
Dominating Final Fantasy (Seven) (yeah yeah, siete)
Those boys
Losin’ sleep
Tryin’ ta keep up with our l33t sp34k (what up, n00bs?) (n00b sauce)

Be a part of our world
In latex and bows
Cuz’ these girls play cos’
Set our phasers to stun
You’ll be falling in love
Ooooooh oh ooooooh

Geek and Gamer girls
We’re unbelievable
Comic books
And Manga in stock
Hasbro toys
So rare
We got the mail-away
Ooooooh oh ooooooh
Geek and Gamer girls
We’re undefeatable
Achievement unlocked
Jedis represent
Now put your sabers up
Oooooooh oh ooooooh

(Verse 2)
We, love Stan Lee (Excelsior!)
And Joss created all our favorite shows
We Frag
In our sleep (Killjoy!)
We will pwn your ass in Halo (uh oh)

Be a part of our world (Be a part of our world…)
In latex and bows
Cuz’ these girls play ‘cos
Set our phasers to stun (Set our phasers to stun…)
You’ll be falling in love
Ooooooh oh ooooooh

Geek and Gamer girls
We’re unbelievable (Tri-force!)
We all know
That Han shot first (It’s a trap!)
No dubs
We want originals
Ooooooh oh ooooooh
Geek and Gamer girls (Level up!)
We’re undefeatable
Achievement Unlocked
Browncoats represent (Shiny!)
We aim to misbehave
Oooooooh oh ooooooh

Sailor Moon
Hogwarts boys all make them swoon
Aragorn, Legolas
These are the boys they love the best
I mean they’re good to go
Love Scifi, yo’
The girls are sweet
They can’t be beat
Super fine like Peach
Darth Maul
Standing tall
He’s so bad
So say we all
Epic Lootz
For the Win
Hyjal’s what we’re raiding in
Konami Code
Doctor Who
Expert Mode
Game genies, WoW fiendies, Sith meanies
No weenies
Don’t forget
They the queen-ies

Gamer ladies? (Yeah?)
Raidin’ tonight babies? (Uh huh!)
I’m all up on y’as
Cuz you representin’ geek and gamer girls
(Ohhh yeahh)

Geek and Gamer girls
We’re unbelievable
Comic books
And Manga in stock (Hey!)
Hasbro toys
So rare
We got the mail-away
Ooooooh oh ooooooh
Geek and Gamer girls (Finish him!)
We’re undefeatable
Achievements unlocked
Trekkers represent (Red shirts, red shirts!)
(trekkers, trekkers)
Now put your phasers up
Oooooooh oh ooooooh

(Geek and gaaaaameeerrr, Geek and gaaaaamerrr, giiirrrlll)

Geek and gamer girls

man I really wish They All Could Be
geek and gamer girls
(Geek and gamer)
(Geek and gamer girls)

Game over!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Dallas Gay Cruising Spots


Today September 15, all participants in the game FIRSTBORN 2nd Ed, you should have received an e-mail with the private data of the characters. You can also check the public list of attendees at the blog of the Red Night .

Greetings to everyone! ----------------------------------

By the way, we help: We want to

a music disc varied with different songs to "marry" with the setting and event. The fact is that we have doubts about the type of music to put on and we thought it would be a good idea to create a LIST OF COLLABORATIVE SPOTIFY songs. Could be songs as the soundtrack includes "Rock and Roll" for example. Of all the songs
proposals will make a selection. To see that happen to you. LIST


Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Trail Shoes For Road Marathon

Barbecue on Saturday to eat in my field


We were trying to arrange a time to Vero and Matthew barbaco but for various reasons not been able to do so now. Nothing, that barbecue on Saturday will be my field. Anyone who wants to attend can confirm I am in dreams or through here. Will € 7 per head, can you give me what me or Raul, if left over will be returned.

I think that's all.
A greeting.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

What To Expect With Glioblastoma

Birthday Ruben and Javi - September 25

This year a special event again touches the end of September, Ruben's birthday and mine (Javi). The idea is to resume the meeting of gangster as I stay the thing after the last game.

"It celebrates a new edition of Secret Council, the global meeting of all the drug lords. As always this event is a pressure cooker, with plenty of underlying conflicts, and personal feuds between the various groups. Quarrels arising from the struggle to control the various unlawful means, and the millions of dollars that report. This year however things are particularly strained.

Masaru Yamaguchi, who DICAPI Capo expire after the last Council, has made a highly controversial work of government. Their actions have contributed to some and hurt others, showing a total lack of neutrality, which is supposed to prove. This coupled with the rumors that the recently deceased Luciano Velaro (former Capo), had in his possession complete files of all mafias, files allegedly found hidden throughout the mansion. If the rumors, these files could contain vital data of all the leaders of gangs, data including: offshore bank accounts, names of contacts, officials bribed or blackmailed illegal, and even addresses of stores, safe houses or exchange points. "

Saturday September 25 evening, will be the birthday celebration of the Martinez brothers with the bottom of this role in vivo. Attendees only have to worry about come dressed for the occasion and brought the desire to have fun.

Rules and forms of gambling will be posted on the blog The Red Night.

is essential to know who will participate in the event to prepare everything. I ask everyone who is interested in participating to sign up soon.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Cost Of Registering A Dog In Ontario

Dinner Friday

Hi everyone!
I put this entry to propose if you feel like this Friday night to go to the opening of the refurbished bar Petrel (Oldest Porto, before turning the street leading to the City) who took my father and now is roll Andalusian patio.
If you do, tell me to have it communicated to the king and us a good book mesic next to the beer coils and Latin <3
Leave comments and as soon as you notice prontico. Chaus!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Diffrence Between Navy Eod And Army Eod

Mañanita in Calpe

Hi everyone! I put this intro

me because Ana is in Castellón.
We planned to come to Calpe a day weekday morning, giving a vueltecilla, perhaps upload the Rock and eat at some of his famous seafood restaurants port, one day is a day and we have only another week August:) (no requirement that all eat shellfish, fish dishes are very rich and affordable). In principle we
Ana, Raquel M. and I the Wednesday, if anyone can other day during the week and want to join us as pleasant adventure, what we say and speak. Tenacitas awaits us!


Thursday, August 12, 2010

How To Get Fake Ontario License

Game of Thrones

The same as you have seen those who are fans, but hey, try downloading the video. Paul certainly drool full keyboard xD

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Muslim Birthday Quotes

holidays Almazora

Good people.

Many of you have asked me if we climb to Castellon this summer, the answer is yes if you go up but the plan is somewhat different from other years. Do not go sightseeing, go rental and therefore we must find an accommodation there. Understand that a house up to 10 people casetellonense a couple of days has pass but 5 or 6 days and is abusing xD. Vacation

Like all self-respecting, requires a financial outlay, more or less important and I, Persol, I will not cut. The idea is to rent something near the town of Louis, and party whenever possible: P. A rough estimate of what the room may cost us more spending is between 200 and 300 € per person. Some of Castellón

drop this Saturday and will stay until Monday, the idea would go to Castellon same Monday or Tuesday and stay there until Sunday.

Whosoever will come to me to say at the latest tomorrow, which is a bit abrupt but if not, not if you time to rent something.

who do not tell me before tomorrow I will assume that he will not come and you can not join later.


Monday, August 9, 2010

Does Oilatum Soap Dries Skin


chic @ s Hi, I'm Paul, do not let me publish it myself.

Like many I hope they are going to celebrate the birthday of Louis and mine this weekend. Circumstances can not lower the Castellón, so I let it go, but I thought I better.

The plan is a feast day with swimming pool, barbecue and cold beer. Was bought over by if you have dinner. RSVP

Plis!! PETS

Castellón Late

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Promissory Note1099-c

LLOPIS Mestiza Therapy

If I am the sun - from Mestiza Therapy on Vimeo .

Matthew's group, our "neighbor" of the local Hell II. I really surprised a lot, sounds great. He is the singer. Listen to it and judge for yourselves.

More links to other songs:

Contento - Mestiza Therapy

wooden cross - Mixed Therapy

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Can You Be Healthy Without Your Gallbladder

trifles Ana

hereby inform you, as we know, that Saturday is the feast Ana Hawaiian and we must do a nice touch.
As usual, on Thursday we will see in the Dreams at 8:00 pm and appreciate, taking advantage of the meeting, which will undertake the contribution by all those interested. If someone can not attend Thursday, to deal with giving to other party and thereby raise the total of contributed to proceed with the purchase of gift .

remain, Sincerely

: Lakota


Monday, August 2, 2010

Free Restaurant Blueprints

LEAK. Before and after ... HAWAIIAN PARTY

As you may know the component of "La Fuga" separated, we now have two bands:

"La Fuga" which are the same as before but without the singer before (which is mounted by his own account) The Web is the same: http:/ /

"Rulo and Contrabanda" singer La Fuga, now with new people, some people call this group "Rulo and Rulipaldis" xD the web is: http : / /

for nothing! That "La Fuga" with new singer has already left to see their first single ... I put it here and keep me say for the moment, so not "pollute" yours ... VA


Edit: And here

of LOOP AND RULIPALDIS. There is a song, are pieces. Remains "La Fuga", rather than them despite his old band.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Holmes Air Filter Red Light

Hello everybody!! This entry is to confirm that celebrate my birthday on Saturday 7 (pa that we understand this weekend not coming) in the field of Mariade, which is between Villena and Caudete, and collect information gradually on the location of the field .

The subject of party is Hawaiian, so I hope you feel encouraged and I vistáis all of Hawaiians and Hawaiian ... (If anyone wants to dress up starfish and shark can tb eh ... than by imaginative), as well as mariade told me there is a pool, so perfect ...

Well, I'll buy the drink, I do mojito, water valence seems to triumph and good, then buy a bit of drinking for all tastes ... gg pa
not miss
had thought we could go there on the eight ... I will take some snack tb, to see if I can buy some cake tb, but as we would be well enough that each bring something to peck to then we are not a bad when we start to drink

Another thing! As the field is far and intend to drink, Mariade has confirmed to me that we could be sleeping ... I do not remember exactly the beds and that there is, but that we could carry bags, mattresses, tents, whatever it takes to go now domingo.Hay descansaditos the paved area of \u200b\u200bland. And

tá! you are all invited but id confirming me that you come ok??

PS. Men would be cool we encourage you to wear a skirt or sarong, would encourage the party haha \u200b\u200b

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Army Meps Hiv How Long

in pure freak later in alicante

It's too late I suppose, also would be a shame to miss the first day. But perhaps next year we could make a visit to this event, which I think is very interesting. Held all sorts of activities (Geeks) with interesting prices in a strong weekend where you can play over 50 roles in vivo or table, participate in tournaments, board games, card games, even play airsoft ... for only 40 euros in camping area or 130 in hotel (4 nights).

More info.

PSD: If you enter an activity to gossip keep in mind that the top is a selector of pages (yellow numbers). Holaaaaaaaaa

Thursday, July 22, 2010

How To Get Jenna Jameson's Look

I'm bored to exhaustion in the afternoon !!!!!!!!! sos!!

This post is short on time, but anyway, if anyone is encouraged, this afternoon hec and I are going to alicante to walk around the plaza sea, ateneo, esplanade and do not know if we will have dinner out there or something ... so if someone points of cool because we are unemployed ... We'll

after eating a big kiss

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Fruit From Concentrate Good For You?

Live Festival


The other day I called Luis to say that CAPD and he bought the ticket for the festival Live. The truth is that the lineup looks pretty good. I certainly

I will point out as well.
Nothing, that was the one who is concerned that saying go here.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Transport Boats For Sale Bc

Illustrations for role cards (Nacho Molina)

Well guys, update your blog for a brief review the work of my friend and fellow sufferer in the uni Nacho Molina, a artistazo as few:)
Many already know him to hear me speak him, but for those who do not know, I leave the current link to your blog where you will see wonders, both with oil and with Wacom.

In his last post, has posted some illustrations made for expansion in the A King North (A Game of Thrones) and The Gathering Storm (Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay)
which are published as they leave him teach (contract issues) and as our local if anything stands out is the freak in many aspects I thought it would be a good entry:)

a comment and let him ... Beneixama Viva Lola and her mother makes the best tuna pudding in the world!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Fingerboards For Sale On Ebay

YouTube - You got to stop Tenza Local

YouTube - You got to stop : - Posted using the Google Toolbar " wenas

Thursday, July 8, 2010

How Big A Ladder Do I Need

At some you'll know and others do not. I have a memory like a fish, I'll put the gateway for people to know about it.
commented: Tenza to us that if we enter the premises with the Moors, but it would be to get all year ... As of right now is that there are 15 € a month, I mean that is not expensive and come Moors would put more pasta, which is not say when it would xq is impossible at this point, but let's be sure we will have to put € 80 fixed price at the Moors come .... brunch, lunch, dinner every day ... drink ... Say who would be interested in signing up and we talked with more seriously and see what the room is birthday etc, etc ...

I was talking to Omi, and both reach the same conclusion, with O 5 or 6 we signed, because the opportunity is good and you would have your own barracks ...

Ale, take it for that

Monday, July 5, 2010

What Do You Think Of The Name Clara

Saturday Pool!

A good, I said several this Saturday I'll pass on playing Hiking Centre paddle 12 hours, will be a day of living and going to see good roll. No lunch for which there hacerque, when the day bypass sports equipment, will give you a number if rondais at the last minute there. Anyway, as I have said I will be there all day and I invite you to spend the day in the pools, playing some soccer or basketball pachanga .... in order to pull out all the invitations that you can to go out anyway if you go with a partner, this case myself Admission is 1.50 or 2.50 for all day, so ....

the moment will surely come Javi, Juan (Murcia perhaps come too), Omar if in Elda too ...

Well I have already informed

xDDD Ale, a greeting.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Lab Five Cell Respiration

chic @ s! Eyyyyy!! You fancy action this Saturday? Understand that you have taken some extreme weekends and therefore accept no for an answer ... take a little walk, a walk or beach again (I feel like spend an afternoon at the beach XD), suggestions are welcome ...
Aleeeee good Thursday, we're already through Thursday !!!!!!

Friday, April 30, 2010

Build A Horizonal Slatted Fence

Haiti solidarity

On Thursday May 6 at the football field of the university residence Hernán Cortés is hosting a fundraising concert, which will go towards building a school.

Most importantly, rock and beer at a good price and above are doing a good deed, what more could you want?

With input costs 3 € (single price) we are entitled to a drink. For your enjoyment we have local groups that are already well known.

Gordoa, training plays a Southern rock. So I called them, with touches of hardcore, metal and rock taken as reference groups like Slipknotm, Down, Lamb of God and others. The singer and bass belong to the group DARKSOUND , Badajoz very great band that is sure to know. In Micromachines (versions Rage again the machine) is the drummer and guitarist Malpractice. This meeting of good musicians have a very good looking, certainly not disappoint.

Semimental , a group of bands between them remains BreakingNews, Flatliners, etc. If you listen to Nirvana and airs that style of grunge music. Have a direct and encourage strong enough, if you went to the spring festival in the square have heard high.

Momiabebé is a rock formation that perform their own style. Country rock influences and a directness that grows as you progress. Right now they have no album released and are recording a demo of that for sure we will know something soon. It is remarkable the good voice of the vocalist.

And to close Blame the Dog, a local group who performs classic rock great. Also noteworthy in its direct and secure closed the night with a great show. They have been finalists in the competition models of BadajozRock2008, and have a great record "100Ways." You can listen to them on MySpace, clicking on the name of the group.

The contribution of all sponsors and groups is totally selfless, and that is something you do not see every day.

Well you know the date for next Thursday is in the university residence Hernán Cortés to begin around 19:00 shows. After that we can follow up in our living quarters with which we do not cut any alternative activity.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

What Is The Biggest Kipling Backpack

Rock Y. .. we have the Lope Butt: I'll tell you

leave the program better for you because we have a few days "A STOP." THEATRE



Irish Dance, Gabino Diego, Revolver and family theater

. Wednesday, 21 20.30 h.

Magic of the Dance

Hailed by critics as the most exciting spectacle of the century, Magic of the Dance is a wonderful love story set in an Ireland torn by famine, where good and evil face, all represented with an impressive and sophisticated dances, and with amazing accuracy. The tragedy, magic and romance are woven into the plot of the play, which brings great dynamism.

John Carey, world champion in 8 cases, is responsible for the innovative choreography that comes with an amazing effects and enchanting music. Magic of the Dance has developed a unique style of Irish dancing that turns the show into an experience that will captivate both connoisseurs of dance as the general public.

Magic of the Dance offers an alternative to Irish dancing and invades the stage with their energetic steps and jumps. The dance steps are so important because, for the first time the public will like the shoes of the dancers take the stage sparks.

The formation is composed of Irish dance champions as well as figures of modern American Tap. One of the most extraordinary is when intertwines traditional Irish Tap Dance with American style.

During the past ten years, Magic of the Dance has toured throughout the world in cities such as Paris, London, Dublin, Vienna, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bOslo, Rio de Janeiro , Taipei, Toronto, Tbilisi, Berlin .... In its 10 th anniversary, the show was reworked with a new choreography, costumes and special effects, providing

different shades to the public. It is a magnificent display of talent as Irish had never been seen before.

Magic of the Dance is characterized among professionals gender and age as the fastest, technical and Irish dancing. During his career has won more than 3 million viewers and has about 2500 functions around the world.


patio armchair: 30 €

Amphitheatre: 28 €

. Friday 23 21 h.

Gabino Diego

An Evening with Gabino

De Gabino Diego

Director: Gina Piccirilli

An actor who wants to ride his show and can not find the thread. Seek advice and do not get answers that will remove the doubts ... doubts raised not only by the pursuit of that blessed thread that does not appear, but also by their need to communicate a whole wealth of experiences and anecdotes from his childhood ... Career ... of his unrequited love for music ...

love, heartbreak, success, failures that lead him to ask what it's all relative ... as it says in a moment ... "That's all this relative success and failure, everything depends on the time and point of view of the beholder ..."

humorous and watching people's eyes, takes us Gabino the hands of many characters, some well known to the public, as part of the human animal that has been influencing the course of your life ... characters dealt with ductility and surprising tenderness and laughter steals again and again ...


patio armchair: 15 €

Amphitheatre: 12 €

. Saturday 24 21 h.


about to turn 20 years of Revolver, and about 27 since beginning his musical career, Carlos Goñi has long been one of the key names of the best English rock.

With this new album, 21 Grams, dozen albums reached by a sound own clearly identifiable , for its absolute independence keeps you covered fads , by a treasured golden songbook intense which is part of the musical memory of our country - "If only love" "The touch of your skin," "Eldorado", "No more", "Hate", "Main Street", "Faro de Lisboa" - for being a great guitarist .

Revolver ultimately leads 20 years offering the best English rock face of a pampering melody and text, which can be massive without neglecting even a second quality . Growing hard disk.


Now, 21 Grams , Revolver / Carlos Goñi is presented as the author and performer consolidated that is, producing, directing and he played almost all instruments. Uploaded the rock as a genre -because it's all rock-but developing winding string arrangements and winds, looking for new adventures sound, letting love for Latin rhythms treated such balance and wisdom that no one can say this is rock latino. English rock is first order . Rock with open ears and memory that tradition of popular music that is part of our DNA sound. Rock sung with intensity and intention that by now have produced chills . Melodic rock production which serves the song , and not the other way, developing a sound close but completely compact. Rock plagued musical details of arrangements for people who appreciate these things. Rock committed with ourselves and with our society.


patio armchair: 28 €

Amphitheatre: 23 €

. Family Theatre

Sunday 25 12 h.

The Adventures of Bamba and Lina

From Ruth Farrona

Director: Rafael Molano

Cast: Blanca Chaparro, Pedro Pablo Montero and Bigeriego

Company: Producciones Panduro

Bamba's workshop is one of those places where everything is possible, when Lina gets there just looking for shelter from the rain, however, is a magical place where books speak and invite us to great adventures through imagination and the characters that live within its pages.

Recommended for children from 4 years

Organizers and sponsors: Caja Extremadura


Adults: 4 €

Children: 2 €


Milky Cm Before Period


The next day, May 2 at 11.3o - 14.oo hours after the success of last year held a seminar style African ZAAR
from North Africa.

I invite everyone s to go with the rhythm of this style full of strength and energy,
where music vibrates from the heart!

-party theory: (Knowledge and introduction to the style)
ZAAR African ritual dance style and with such deep mysterious force, study its source (the source of the style)
areas where dancing and history , appropriate clothing and rhythmology.

-party practice:
easily learn movements and technique, choreography
full of energy and strength, movements
very novel characteristic of this style.

not miss it!

L @ s hope!

Any questions feel free to write to the same e-mail.

A big hug!

Shanna Garcia.

http://shannagarcia.wordpress. Com

Where To Purchase Katydids

"NO I'm a weirdo" KAXTA.


On April 24, after several months on the stages of wherever you have left, go home the rock group and will Kaxta Extremadura also accompanied by finger and Moe's Tavern. Kaxta born in Badajoz in late 2007 and since then their first demo "Countdown" and her live but have not had a striking acceptance. Currently touring the country presenting his first album "I'm not a freak", full of transgressive rock and poetic who helped the likes of Manolo and Pepe Bao Chinato among others. According to several media specialist revelation band are considered within the national rock scene in 2010.

On the other hand, six are the years that have elapsed since La Taberna de Moe surprised friends and strangers with a debut as brilliant as it is exciting thanks to that unforgettable Across , treasured potential emerging paradigm for training, three years later, would be responsible to reaffirm a job as solvent as the definitive Lawless World. Returning now, after three new years label fallow covered by a direct constant activity, turned into one of the bands rock Extremadura strong reference, it claims to with a third album able to sustain, enlighten and empower all previously planted. As for Aliseda, finger, a decade ago began to cause trouble and with just two albums behind them have managed to become one of the strongest bands in the region. Rock and Roll in pure and fresh and catchy melodies is what can find in their discography.

We have an unforgettable night of rock you can not miss, and also team up to present the album More Rock, which also includes their 13 other groups in our region. E l concert will take place on Saturday April 24 from 20:30 h at the Center for Contemporary Leisure San Roque (Badajoz). Admission: € 5 in advance (store type Avenida Santa Marina) - 6 € locker. For more information please visit: - / kaxta No bone perdáis it!