Saturday, May 7, 2011

How Fast Do Pinky Rats Grow?


The global trade union movement faces a relative decline in union membership rates, the economic crisis and successive cuts and loss of rights, lead us to forget the principle of solidarity that has so far been found in all workers and all labor union presided.

also a time now, the media do not broadcast the true role of unions in society.

In our case, moreover, There is widespread ignorance of the workers in the Police Corps what it means for the defense of labor rights belong to a union class, as opposed to cutting the Corporate unions.

Therefore, from the Federal Coordinating Autonomous and Local Police Federation of Citizen Services CC.OO, we implement this campaign to reach our proposals and our collective commitment.

CC.OO, not only their initials, is the strength of being the first union of our country, with a reputation earned for his commitment and constant struggle to defend workers who belong to the Police.

CC.OO , is a benchmark of opinion and areas involved in consultation and decision making.

CC.OO, es una organización sindical que mantiene la independencia política frente a cualquier intento de injerencia de otra organización.
CC.OO, no permite la preponderancia de intereses particulares sobre los intereses de todos los trabajadores, ser un sindicato de clase no impide la filiación política de sus afiliados y afiliadas.

CC.OO , has members and affiliates in all police forces, Ertzaintza, Catalan police, Police Councils and, of course, Local Police.

CC.OO, you:
  • The defense of the interests of the police forces, both nationally and internationally, has signed agreements CC.OO collaboration with the SUP and AUGC and, in turn, is part of Euro.

  • access to training, professional and association, we are a reference in training.
  • Services: Legal, medical conventions, entertainment, travel, etc ...
  • Communication and dissemination: Issuing newsletters, access to documents of interest to the police and union campaigns and training videos, etc. ....


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