Monday, May 2, 2011

Claims Rep Cover Letter

The Federation of Citizen Services CC.OO commitment to safety and will be in Zaragoza.


This will be the third year that our organization to participate in INTEGRA & Safety, International Security and Emergency.

After having to cancel our presence in Valencia, for the reasons you all know, to retake the initiative and came back with new projects to the Exhibition Centre, a modern space with more 1,000 m² Cabinet willing to receive, during the 7th, 8th and 9th June, exhibitors and visitors.

is important because our presence:

Society asks current effort and a new approach, a new form of ask unionism, their role and responsibility in the environment, so that the different sectors and groups that make up the Federation of Services for CC.OO citizenship, become relevant, presenting themselves as stakeholders in how they develop and implement the concepts and models of quality that every day the members and affiliates we require.

association responsible management involves considering the interests of whole society and not just membership.

The latest proposals for transparency and information, currently required unions, has allowed many of them begin to participate in such events, but none has reached the level of excellence that we have shown, being a reference for the material we present and which is based on the development and publication of reports with the action taken in the employment, social and environmental develop during the year.

is important to note the importance that we give from the Organization of the need to disseminate the projects that we implement to the different sectors and groupings that make up the Federation of Citizen Services CC.OO, we want to be a reference point for Municipalities, Communities and Companies related to our areas.

What sectors will be present:

Local Government and Regional Sector:
Federal Coordinating Autonomous and Local Police.
Federal Fire Coordinator.
Federal Coordinator of Environmental Agents.

Our project:

participation is important for our organization, we assume that the logo CC.OO sell, is quality, credit is, is a more than earned respect in which our presence is more than desired.

The fair itself is an open forum for the most diverse range of participants, example is the high number of attendees each year increased significantly from previous years, always surpassing all expectations.

Another significant development and improves the previous result is the international character of the fair.


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