Tuesday, May 17, 2011

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Notation of lien on property outside the municipality

Today we wanted to comment on the STS 1744/2011, is interesting because it sets the legal doctrine on the cautionary notice of lien on property outside the municipality.

said Judgement Set the local level (basis 5 °) to take precautionary measures to non-executive outside its territory as "does not involve the municipal organization is prohibited from interim decisions within the proceedings in respect of enjoys competition, which is projected in another municipality "A different question would be the procedure for enforcement of an asset situated outside the district municipal. (more ...)

However, after recognizing the aforementioned competence, the Court did not rule on the obligation of the Registrar of the property to register such an order (basis 6 °) as it is not his jurisdiction Referring to the Judgement of the Audiencia Provincial de Alicante n º 421/2009 28/12/2009 sect 6 th, which reversed the rulings of the Directorate General of Registries and Notaries, contrary to the registration.


" The head of the tax collection of a local authority is competent to enact, within the enforced collection, command notation to seize property, for property located outside its boundaries. "

STS 1744/2011 Link

Monday, May 16, 2011

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Central Administrative Tribunal

From today through page" together advisory contract " we can directly access Central Administrative Court's decisions Contract Resources together with that of Aragon , are completing our stock procurement.

To learn more, read the comments on it, of Antonio Arias And Sevach

Sunday, May 15, 2011

How To Fake A Haunting

THE LIE as a political tool


several weeks, enterprise-level unions in government have launched a campaign denouncing the pact of the CCOO and UGT with the Government to return to lower wages public employees.

The culmination of this strategy, so far, was an editorial in the newspaper ABC last 13, which said that in connivance with the main unions, the government could impose a Further cuts in the salaries of officials and by extension in the rest of the workers affected by wage snip 2010.

The media are spreading these snares, are based on the contents of the 2011-2014 Stability Programme recently sent to Brussels, in whose pages 24, 25 and 26 tell how it was produced the previous adjustment, the measures imposed by the Government with the consensus of nearly all parliamentary parties, the privatization policy applied to the sale of shares in AENA and Lotteries and government measures that could adopt consider appropriate, measures which are already outlined in the laws of budgets for 2011 and pose no secret, so to get this problem now has no potentiality that certain actions hamper union of trying to open a road to recovery agreements in September 2009 thereby exercise the right to collective bargaining.

is a curious coincidence of this news, the government offensive and the Popular Party to consolidate the social and wage cuts, using the loudspeaker, which confers the electoral campaign, because neither will alight on the need to reduce working conditions, lower wages and provide more job insecurity.

Mr. Rajoy said in an interview published in the daily La Razon on May 8, says in his agenda include promoting greater flexibility and promote The agreements take into account the general interests of the economy and to include the ability to lift, says while open to discuss the reduction of municipalities with a consequent impact on employment and the economies of the affected areas.

The Government is aware of the processes of changing international speculation, taking in the Ministry of Economy portfolio shares greater deficit reduction, including further adjustments could include wages, layoffs ... in If the English economy entered into a spiral of instability that would lead to what they want the capitalist speculators: the intervention.

CCOO has maintained consistency in interventions against the cuts, which have occurred the convening of a general strike of public employees (other unions did not), calling for another general strike against increasing the retirement age, summoning thousands of demonstrations, strikes sectoral struggles ... they are trying to unite the public employees The defense of jobs and quality services.

lie the conservative media of communication, lie shamelessly when they try to hold us in maneuvers that they do know because they speak in their law firms, in their cliques, their meetings oligarchs speculators, greedy misery for working people.

lie corporate unions, always attentive to lick the hands of the leaders who feed them, they drawing up lists, which are imposed on businesses that encourage and protect against CCOO trade unionism, democratic, participatory and class.

Unexpectedly, those who design the strategy of lies have spontaneous allies, alienated characters willing to believe all kinds of fables, Conspiranoids of low light and low witted that they can give value to all conservative harangues, characters that have always accompanied the affluent classes to reírles thanks and justify their exploitation.

We are at a new crossroads, almost every day you have to decide on the way to be taken, as an important part of social and working world we have known is crumbling and in the struggle and debate we have to find outlets, on the basis of new proposals, away from the poisoning, manipulation and deception. The working class has objectives of emancipation, of autonomy, justice, freedom and democracy and these criteria must move forward to build a diverse but united bloc, which is able to reinvest the course of the economic crisis.

proposal in that space and unity on a democratic and social minimum is CCOO expending their best efforts and knowledge.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

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Contract Resources Regime Change in the Public Sector Contract Modification

Good for your interest
hang the interpretation made by the State law on contract amendments in the Law 2 / 2011 of a sustainable economy
CIRCULAR No. 1 / 2011 of the State Bar
Subject: Regime Change in the Public Sector Contracts
Submitted by Manuel Patino Martinez, Vice City Comptroller

Saturday, May 7, 2011

How Fast Do Pinky Rats Grow?


The global trade union movement faces a relative decline in union membership rates, the economic crisis and successive cuts and loss of rights, lead us to forget the principle of solidarity that has so far been found in all workers and all labor union presided.

also a time now, the media do not broadcast the true role of unions in society.

In our case, moreover, There is widespread ignorance of the workers in the Police Corps what it means for the defense of labor rights belong to a union class, as opposed to cutting the Corporate unions.

Therefore, from the Federal Coordinating Autonomous and Local Police Federation of Citizen Services CC.OO, we implement this campaign to reach our proposals and our collective commitment.

CC.OO, not only their initials, is the strength of being the first union of our country, with a reputation earned for his commitment and constant struggle to defend workers who belong to the Police.

CC.OO , is a benchmark of opinion and areas involved in consultation and decision making.

CC.OO, es una organización sindical que mantiene la independencia política frente a cualquier intento de injerencia de otra organización.
CC.OO, no permite la preponderancia de intereses particulares sobre los intereses de todos los trabajadores, ser un sindicato de clase no impide la filiación política de sus afiliados y afiliadas.

CC.OO , has members and affiliates in all police forces, Ertzaintza, Catalan police, Police Councils and, of course, Local Police.

CC.OO, you:
  • The defense of the interests of the police forces, both nationally and internationally, has signed agreements CC.OO collaboration with the SUP and AUGC and, in turn, is part of Euro.

  • access to training, professional and association, we are a reference in training.
  • Services: Legal, medical conventions, entertainment, travel, etc ...
  • Communication and dissemination: Issuing newsletters, access to documents of interest to the police and union campaigns and training videos, etc. ....

Friday, May 6, 2011

How Do I Know If My Ulcer Is Bleeding

RDLaw contract law through 5 / 2011

, any excuse to change the law of contracts, here goes.

Royal Decree Law 5 / 2011 of 29 April on measures to stabilize and control of undeclared work and promoting housing rehabilitation. (06/05/2011 BOE n º 108)
Article 7. Amendment of Law 30/2007, of 30 October, Public Sector Contracts.
The letter c) of Article 49.1 of Law 30/2007 of 30 October, Public Sector Contract shall read as follows: (Continue reading ...)
«c) Haber sido sancionadas con carácter firme por infracción grave en materia de disciplina de mercado, en materia profesional o en materia de integración laboral y de igualdad de oportunidades y no discriminación de las personas con discapacidad, o por infracción muy grave en materia social, incluidas las infracciones en materia de prevención de riesgos laborales, de acuerdo con lo dispuesto en el texto refundido de la Ley sobre Infracciones y Sanciones en el Orden Social, aprobado por el Real Decreto Legislativo 5/2000, de 4 de agosto, así como por la infracción grave prevista en el artículo 22.2 del mismo, o por infracción very serious on the environment, in accordance with the provisions of Royal Decree 1302/1986 of 28 June, the Environmental Impact Assessment, in Law 22/1988 of 28 July, Costas, in Act 4 / 1989 of March 27, Conservation of Natural Areas and Wildlife, in Law 11/1997 of 24 April, on packaging and packaging waste, in Law 10/1998 of 21 April, on Waste, in the revised Water Law, approved by Royal Legislative Decree 1 / 2001 of 20 July, and Law 16/2002 of July 1, Prevention and Control Integrated Pollution. "

Monday, May 2, 2011

How To Put A Belt On A Snowmobile

Thinking differently ... is the basis of innovation

Today wanted to share a video that I have commanded you, my friends Vinalab , the center of knowledge will Vinaroz, I think it was one of the most exciting projects, in which I had the pleasure of working , even in the beginning, talking to them is to go to feel hope, and think, that in spite of everything, from the local administration, we can innovate and to participate in society on progress in R + D + I, so only necessary, effort, imagination and involvement in the work, start your next voyage I wish you luck, you will need ...

Claims Rep Cover Letter

The Federation of Citizen Services CC.OO commitment to safety and will be in Zaragoza.


This will be the third year that our organization to participate in INTEGRA & Safety, International Security and Emergency.

After having to cancel our presence in Valencia, for the reasons you all know, to retake the initiative and came back with new projects to the Exhibition Centre, a modern space with more 1,000 m² Cabinet willing to receive, during the 7th, 8th and 9th June, exhibitors and visitors.

is important because our presence:

Society asks current effort and a new approach, a new form of ask unionism, their role and responsibility in the environment, so that the different sectors and groups that make up the Federation of Services for CC.OO citizenship, become relevant, presenting themselves as stakeholders in how they develop and implement the concepts and models of quality that every day the members and affiliates we require.

association responsible management involves considering the interests of whole society and not just membership.

The latest proposals for transparency and information, currently required unions, has allowed many of them begin to participate in such events, but none has reached the level of excellence that we have shown, being a reference for the material we present and which is based on the development and publication of reports with the action taken in the employment, social and environmental develop during the year.

is important to note the importance that we give from the Organization of the need to disseminate the projects that we implement to the different sectors and groupings that make up the Federation of Citizen Services CC.OO, we want to be a reference point for Municipalities, Communities and Companies related to our areas.

What sectors will be present:

Local Government and Regional Sector:
Federal Coordinating Autonomous and Local Police.
Federal Fire Coordinator.
Federal Coordinator of Environmental Agents.

Our project:

participation is important for our organization, we assume that the logo CC.OO sell, is quality, credit is, is a more than earned respect in which our presence is more than desired.

The fair itself is an open forum for the most diverse range of participants, example is the high number of attendees each year increased significantly from previous years, always surpassing all expectations.

Another significant development and improves the previous result is the international character of the fair.