Monday, April 18, 2011

Install Ceramic Tile New York

About dismissed. ..

Someone once told me that Spain was not a country of collective efforts but Quixote is perhaps true or not, but the fact is that last week I had the pleasure of meeting one. His name is Juan Jose Moll and civil engineer. In the 80 was released from service by the Generalitat Catalana and has been battling it since he did not hesitate a degree in law to defend themselves and even prepared a doctoral thesis on the subject, knowing that he could not read it since it had been dismissed. After an entertaining talk I had the consequences that entails the tagline "not through disciplinary proceedings have been dismissed from service ..." (Art.56.1d EBEP) and involves the "public death" of those who suffer from this because there is no rehabilitation, and a penalty for life, which no constitutional or seems very , since the separation from service can not access NEVER any official or public place of work, which is a tragedy, especially for certain groups such as armed forces personnel. Today Juan Joseph Moll, recently retired continues to devote his time to fight for this unfortunate postscript to disappear from our legal system, defending and advising those who suffer a life sentence for the separation. For all this, from here we want to express our appreciation, echoing his lonely fight against windmills, but no real giants.

About: # more-2425


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