Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Baby Emerald Tree Boa For Sale

Developments in Control-Local municipal assessors

Very good morning, as indicated in the header our blog, the initial purpose Maite and I had was to create a "scorecard" that would bring together the free resources that circulate on the Internet, and computers to streamline our work. Being consistent with this idea, we decided that the blog was public, and if others might be useful to them. (more ...)

Doing this blog is being a very rewarding experience, first because it is a technical challenge for a server who likes everything about the Internet, and secondly because we find both the number of visits and by the mails we receive, which marks the objective that we set at the start, that is, be useful to us not only to us but also many other professionals, particularly local government, spread throughout Spain.

As previously indicated to me constistuye quite a technical challenge and every day I'm learning and adding new features and services that meet the net and that I love comment:
  • 1.-We have begun to use the syndication via RSS to provide business news content of some newspapers, on the main page.
  • 2.-It has created a new page "summary BOE a day" where we have syndicated by RSS BOE summaries of general provisions and other resolutions.
  • 3.-On the Boards administrative contracts have added that of Aragon, as well as liaison to the Administrative Tribunal of public Aragon-ups.
  • 4.-On the public consultation on the TEAM have added to Madrid, although not yet operational.
  • 5.-In page of jurisprudence, has expanded significantly the number of pages you can visit, highlighting the form of case law on contracts offered by the JCCA of Catalonia.
  • 6.-On the legislation, we have added the search engines offered by the BOE and a link on EU legislation
Well ultimately, you are the new features we have incorporated, public fastened to do this blog it is a bit "all" so I expect your suggestions and contributions so that together we achieve what is intended, to share knowledge to progress and to simplify our daily lives.


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