Thursday, October 1, 2009

South Park Studios Slow Stream

I served as a farewell to Badajoz this entry, from Saturday October 3 live in Aceuchal. A village near Almendralejo (I hope you put the batteries to attend concerts in the capital of wine.)

start with Friday October 1 with Rose's journey. Badajoz group blends punk, pop, disco mix a little of everything that gives a pop touches training. Soft to begin the weekend you can listen to them on Myspace .

The Fuckers Beach tomorrow 2 October. Surf music made versions are a fun gupo primarily for a good night. Visit them at their website and you can hear the song of the Monster.

And finally a night of rock (and had to be my wedding day aahi ...) Kaxta with free admission for all, like the two previous concerts. On 3 October we were delighted with issues original and one of the insurance Extremoduro falling. Strongly recommended. In her latest album have worked for people like Luiki AmenoSKuartO and Manolo Chinato.

Greetings and see you soon, see you in the back o one


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