Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Pho Soup Nutrition Facts


Luis Uriza: Ricardo Jaramillo
voice: guitar, vocals
Fernando Muñoz: guitar
Andrés Rojas : Gonzalo de Sagarminaga
keyboards, drums
Eduardo Arias: bass and vocals Recorded in 1988
Constain Studio, Bogota.
Published in 1988 by Polydor. Ref: 8713547

buy magazines that want to get in the holiday
A college
And I only say that
The rock does not need you.

you find your boyfriend And I tell lies

of what you did on the beach
And in all the clubs
And I only say that
The rock does not need you. Once

went to Miami
bought in stores
I am sorry your family
and do not ride in bus
And I only say that
The rock does not need you

want to get ahead and succeed in life
television and become important
And I only say that
The rock does not need you.

In this tribute song recorded Scheberreo groups (with Karl Troller) and Morfonia.

TROLL KARL Karl Troller: Voice
Miguel Rebolledo, Roberto Salazar
guitar: Guitar
Juan Carlos Cuevas: low
Ricardo Arias: Drums Produced by Schebereeo
, Juan Sebastian Caicedo Nano.
Loud Recorded and mixed in March 2007
In 2004 the French School in Bogota, it became a hotbed of rock bands and reggae, and was the precursor Schebereeo. A group consisting for very good players who have failed to resolve the issue of the singer. Fortunately for this project, Karl Troller visited Bogotá Schebereeo the week that was going to record, which explains their presence in this song. Although Schebereeo is qualified more than enough to participate in this album, its presence is linked to a touch of nostalgia. His drumming is Ricardo, Eduardo's youngest son, born during the height of Time. " Schebereeo is a band of school without text messaging, a rock band without much touch or posters, and held for five years now a small and loyal audience. Few of the countless tunes that were born in the trials came to be heard by the public, which makes Schebereeo a group whose sound is designed to satisfy the tastes of the members, and not of a type potential audience. "

Mauricio Lozano, Gregorio Merchán
voice: drums
Santiago Roa: low
Rojas: tenor Rodrigo Mancera
: Guitar Produced by Morfonia
in Loop Studies
Recorded and mixed by Rodrigo Mancera
Assistant Engineer: Javier Rodriguez.
Woodcut Engraving Loop
studies Rodrigo Javier Mancera and Mixed by Javier Buffalo Buffalo

Since early 1993 we are making noise, music with style and in the world rockrestrepopunkalternativambientmatalerofunkchapinerofolktripdescarga infusions as a friend would say "warm little water", we would prefer call noise, which is engraved with three albums, "Morfonia Live," "Flor de walk" and "Other stories airport." We thank
Local Time to open roads. Planet Earth is a wonderful place that unfortunately have to share with people who are killing for power. Our planet is also the Music, Rock, our home. This song is dedicated to all those who are destroying the planet with war. The Rock does not need them.


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