Thursday, November 19, 2009

Washington Post Student Discount

the heart ...

may be one of those insightful people who have noticed little activity on our site this past month (who says little, says no) or you can walk just wondering why we suddenly There are far fewer activities in the city or at least on our calendar ... Now I suspected assaults ... Oh, no! You got it right! Masqueartista dead!
Oops, sorry, but true. We really enjoyed the site but we have worked a great time, hopefully, yes, but you know that not only does man live illusion. For us it was a good experience and I think at least we got one of the objectives: Demonstrate Badajoz moves and who stays on his couch is because she likes, which is not bad. Most of the information we drove on the blog is taken from the Internet, now will cost more but you can still be equally informed. As a guide farewell hang here the most interesting links from the city.
Music: Commercial Chamber
For the Trade, a classic, I'll tell you ...
Aftasí Chamber Concerts, festivals, theater ...
Contemporary Entertainment Center is true that your website has never worked, but if you join their newsletter, sent to mail you information that organize everything: music, cinema, theater ... Philharmonic Society
Badajoz A very completito concert program. Orquesta de Extremadura
hang programming all season

Film Theatre: Film
Extremadura film library program in the COC
Teatro López de Ayala Lope

conferences, courses and a little of everything: Ateneo de Badajoz
Conferences, astronomy, gastronomy, cinema ...
Economic Society of Friends of conferences, gatherings, concerts ...

Agendas: A calendar with concerts, exhibitions and other
Extremadura Scena Theatre and Music Festival Extremadura
Rock Concerts, music news,

For Walking: Pathways Explorer

Walker Club

Nothing more, emulating Choti, the most faithful collaborator virtual ...

See you at the bars, Adie.